The World-Cultural-Shock

Visual Arts of the Devil's Circles

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Free English translation on 27 January 2022.

Art is also my hobby. More specifically the 'fine arts' so essentially anything that can be designed and expressed in any way.

I am interested in a wide range of media and telecommunications.

I am very reluctant to experiment with new ideas and simply don't try anything out because you don't know yet what the end result will be and where you will dock.

But without risk and ideas, I'm just treading water.

A lot of my work is from the field of natural laws, bible basics and contemporary history via Zeitgeist.

Zeitgeist is always one step ahead of me......yet I still get the devil!

No one else has to "come out" in this way, verbally or in writing, to the true clergy, because it can be very, very disastrous for the individual.

-------- Forwarded message --------

Subject: Baptism/ Sunday/ Distribution list

Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2017 12:34:58 +0100

From: Ursula Sabisch <>



Dear Rev. K. J.,

Thank you very much for your powerful address today and the accompanying paper which you have made available on the internet.

It struck me that you have already been actively familiarised with the suffering of human, so that already in your address you tended to produce the baptism of Jesus, the Son of God, on us human beings, which is not quite true.

When the heavens opened and the voice of God sounded, when the dove also appeared as a sign of the Holy Spirit, God's statement was explicitly directed to the Son of God and no one else had been named with it but Jesus Christ*.

At that moment, it was specifically about God's own Son, in whom God was well pleased!

This special position must not be confused with or even equated with the usual baptism of a human being.

My person would also like to lament and give consideration to the aforementioned and below mentioned generosity of a baptism by the Holy Spirit, because not every person can really transport the Holy Spirit and thus logically not* receive it, because this requires a certain "clergy" and thus a basic prerequisite that is not given to every person!

Yes, the man of today has already had to endure great suffering; some times the suffering was certainly greater than "just" being nailed to a cross and it is precisely this that causes you and your brothers in your subconscious to put the Son of God and the human of today on the same level, which is a great, great fallacy and extremely dangerous to boot!

The question, however, is what will have happened to God and God's Son when His creation has to endure and suffer so much suffering, since He has given HIMSELF and His Son to mankind through the birth of Jesus and confirmation through the baptism of Jesus! ? ?

Excerpt from your Paper:

"Statement of Jesus "Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me" like a summary of his message and his legacy: In this statement the cycle of God's love closes.

If God accepts every human being as his beloved son or daughter, then we are all brothers and sisters. That is why in 2007 the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), the German Bishops' Conference, Orthodox and Ancient Near Eastern churches as well as free churches officially recognised the baptism of the different denominations mutually.

The declaration states: "We recognise every baptism performed according to the command of Jesus in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit with the sign of immersion in water or the pouring over of water.

Baptism is the beginning of being a Christian and at the same time an ecumenical bridge between the Catholic and Protestant churches."

You and your entire clergy will please have to reconsider your generosity immediately, or you as the Roman Catholic Church will please immediately stop continuing to hide behind HIM at the expense of our Lord and Creator and hold out the host/ THE LAMB OF GOD/ to the devil!

Stop it now, for my person is already shouting in the street, but don't let the bent reed break and the smouldering wick go out, you stupid moron, you!

Remember: This is what a sermon looks like and this is not a lecture or a paper!

Of course, the lecture was good and the Holy Spirit was still perceptible, but that is also possible without having to abuse the Highest Good, because for that you have already ceded the Lord's commission to others in 2007 and that, please, for the duration of the transitional period that will come upon mankind!

You and others may find out more in the matter and commission under:

Yours sincerely

Ursula Sabisch

This mail must be included in one of her treasure troves/homepages of my person, for sure is for sure!

Please keep in mind: A free-for-all in this matter is out of the question at some point and that is for sure, as sure as the Amen in the church!

2 September 2019 reviewed.